Abstract Factory

美 [ˈæbstrækt ˈfæktri]英 [ˈæbstrækt ˈfæktri]
  • 网络抽象工厂;抽象工厂模式;工厂模式
Abstract FactoryAbstract Factory
  1. Using Abstract Factory Pattern to Develop the Airborne Data Bus Emulation


  2. An abstract factory pattern in bill processing of ERP system


  3. The Research and Implementation of Design Pattern of Java Abstract Factory


  4. Abstract Factory Design Pattern in Data Access Application


  5. Application of abstract factory design pattern used in development of three layers of architecture software system


  6. Application of Abstract Factory Pattern in Accessing Multiple Database


  7. An Abstract Factory Pattern in a College Matriculation System


  8. Finally , the data access and abstract factory solution based on the J2EE criterion is presented .


  9. Figure 2 shows the approach , and you might recognize the abstract factory pattern .


  10. From factory method to abstract factory


  11. Combined . NET Reflection with abstract factory pattern in the design and implementation of data access layer .


  12. Comparison between Abstract Factory and Methods of MFC Creation Document / View / Frame Objects


  13. Utilizing the Abstract Factory pattern in your applications allows you to define abstract classes to create families of objects .


  14. When the underlying storage is subject to change from one implementation to another , this strategy may be implemented using the Abstract Factory pattern .


  15. In the database access layer in the application of a simple abstract factory pattern to meet the business logic needs access to the data source .


  16. Using other patterns to identify the business logic ( such as Abstract Factory or Factory Method ) could reduce maintenance overhead and increase usability .


  17. Based on the practices of LIS development , this paper discusses how to use restructuring rules to realize patterns of Abstract Factory and Decoration .


  18. Abstract factory pattern and reflection technology was used for strategy analysis and dynamic module call . Details of the above mentioned study are described in the thesis .


  19. Before diving into DI containers , let 's first review a core pattern used through DI containers , the Abstract Factory pattern .


  20. Some design patterns , such as Abstract Factory pattern , Command pattern and State pattern , were used and played an important role in the developing of the system .


  21. Design patterns are also used to increase the reusability as RUP advocated . The abstract factory , observer and iterator patterns is introduced .


  22. From this point forward , I will simply use the word " factories " to mean both the Abstract Factory pattern as well as the factory method implementation .


  23. This paper designs general data layer component upon the combination of abstract factory and Data Access Object ( DAO ) pattern to solve the problem of different types data sources ;


  24. These are abstract factory schemas , builder schemas and adapter schemas . Methods of these schemas are implemented in Delphi developing environment .


  25. Now that we 've covered all the bases ( no pun intended ), we 'll create automobiles with our abstract factory using a builder method .


  26. Based-on abstract factory pattern , a Java modeling method for bills of ERP system is provided . This paper also gives an implementation using JNDI and some needed source code .


  27. To meet the system requirements of heterogeneous data sources , we described how to design the data access layer of system , which was used the improved abstract factory pattern with the cache .


  28. The Abstract Factory can in turn build on and use the Factory Method implementation , as suggested in Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [ GoF ] .


  29. Secondly , applying UML and some design patterns , such as factory method , adapter and abstract factory to system analysis and design , so the static and dynamic model of the system is built .


  30. At this point , you may be tempted to go one step further and replace the factory method with a full-fledged abstract factory object , as detailed in Design Patterns by Erich Gamma , et al .
